*Correct as of 25/10/2024
Call 01970 611190 to book your initial consultation and we'll register you on the Care Response system ready for your phone consultation. This consultation will give you the opportunity to describe the problem and for Hedd to get an idea of how to help you. If it is decided we might not be the best option for you, this will be discussed
30 minutes
Your Care Response results and phone consultation may have identified that you have an ongoing issue which will need a more in-depth assessment, covering a few aspects that will help you recover from persistent pain. Long term pain usually involves issues surrounding your general well-being and it will be important to include these in your recovery. Thought will be given to the possibility that you need blood tests, scans or a specialist referral
Up to 60 minutes
Examination & Treatment for Short-Term Pain*
*less than 3 months
Following your phone consultation, you are usually advised to schedule your first in-person appointment with a view to having a physical examination and beginning a short course of appointments
30 minutes
Progress Visit
These shorter sessions will monitor your response to care and develop your treatment.
Uncomplicated Case
10-20 minutes
Complex Case
30 minutes